“Miko visited my home after a brief phone call, where she was able to intuit that I was experiencing energy blocks to my flow. Before she arrived, she asked me to drink tea and cleanse my home with sage. When she arrived, I wasn't sure what womb energy healing entailed, I just knew I was experiencing confusion, deep sadness, and feelings of anger due to circumstances in my life. I know that I am not the most effective when I sit in this state, and despite doing many things like going to talk therapy, my daily Buddhist prayers, exercise, resting, eliminating sugar (occasionally), drinking less, eating more alkaline foods, I was still in a funk. After a brief conversation in which she asked intentional questions, Miko was able to intuit that my uterus/womb was basically inflamed and that is probably where most of my emotional discomfort was stemming from. I hadn't thought about the trauma my womb has experienced in this way before. She proceeded to make me some tea, burn frankincense and other herbs for good energy and provided deep meditative energy work.

Without touching my body, she relieved my immediate emotional tension and my body relaxed, fully, for the first time in months. I felt so refreshed after she concluded. Often times, when we hear about healing ourselves / energy work, we aren't provided practical advice or tools to maintain the healing, but Miko provided me with action items such as writing letters to those who have directly injured my womb, those I am deeply angry with, etc. She also sent me a list of foods and guidances to eliminate certain inflammatory substances from my diet. I have been putting these tools to use for the past month and feel MUCH more aligned with my center. I owe this to Miko and can't express my gratitude for her gifts enough. Thank you so much, Miko!!” - WHITNEY R. M., New York


“You’ve opened the river back into my heart just being around you the past 2 days this week. You gave me what I’ve been seeking (connection back to myself), because I didn’t fully know how to break apart the pieces - you showed up without any questions...you knew what I needed & gave it to me lovingly...and for that I’m forever grateful for you & your gifts. Words can’t explain my gratitude.” - AGLAYE M., New Jersey


“On Friday August 16 2019 I hosted a cacao ceremony and experiential soundbath by The Gate on the terrace at my Williamsburg apartment. Miko and Ian are consummate professionals who have a vision for every experience they curate. They set up the space to allow energies to flow and for each person to be completely comfortable, whether they want to sit, lay down or move around. Miko led the ceremony by taking us into the movement of the moon and how elemental energies flowed and could affect our mood. We drank the cacao and were gently led into a meditative frame of mind, guided into love and self-love. Ian shared his own perspective on what the soundbath could mean to each of us before we settled into the music. Going into this experience I was experiencing a great deal of emotional turmoil, and when I came out the other side I was calm, grounded, and I knew I was loved and supported, both by myself and by each person who participated. We communicated through our energies and the space was held safe by Miko and Ian.

It is hard to put into words how powerful the experience was, how unique and healing it felt to commune with both friends who were there and complete strangers as though we were all one family. I am deeply grateful. I will always carry this evening with me.” - HELEN H., New York


“Two weeks ago I had one of the most AMAZING experiences of my life, I met Miko through my best friend Tamu. I had been just walking through my life just walking and in pain, I internalize everything, especially pain. On that AMAZING Sunday night that would be no more. Several of us were enjoying a beautiful summer night in Tamu's backyard when the healing began(I was with new friends that I met through Tamu) Miko and I began speaking and right away she knew what I needed after I gave her some insight into my past and my greatest source of pain. That night I was able to let go of my deepest secrets and fears thanks to Miko, she was able to reach from the inside of my soul and pull out what was keeping me from healing, her hands and soul are magical. I cried tears of happiness but most of all relief. She spoke to me about my SELF and that I needed to heal in order to help others in my life. All I can say is that I've haven't felt this good in a really long time, please trust yourself with Miko.” - SOFIA L., New York


“Here's something you probably know...YOU are an amazing woman.  Your attention and kindness this past weekend was extraordinary!! I feel that you went above and beyond to make our experience worthwhile. I am very grateful. I hope you are doing what fulfills you.  You have a tremendous gift and a loving way. Thanks again for everything.” - ANN S., California


“I've had the pleasure of experiencing group meditation and one on one meditation with Miko, and each time, I felt a sense of renewal. She helped clear the stagnation of misplaced energy trapped - that I needed to let go of. She takes the time to fully understand your need for meditation by listening to the space you're in - taking everything in without judgement - recognizing the deficit and offering the tools for you to move forward.

I connected with Miko from the first time we met- our souls recognized each other - we were meant to cross paths - we were also meant to form a sisterhood for a greater good beyond the healing. And that's usually what happens when like minds form a cipher to meet. Its intended. We did nothing- the universe did. Miko has tapped into her God given talent as a clairvoyant and spiritual healer. It's very natural to her being. She's living on purpose. 

I expressed, my desire to meet with her regularly.... as I am forever a student on my path to self love and healing...but like the great teacher she is..she proclaimed "no, you can do this yourself, tap in.” That's empowerment! She never made it about her.....the goal is to find the power within YOU! She teaches you that - but YOU must be aware to get the lesson. YOU MUST BE AWARE OF YOUR OWN POWER TO TAP IN AND HEAL - YOU HAVE TO DO THE WORK!

I thank the creator for Miko's authenticity, her emotional intelligence, her generosity and her innate power to heal. Namaste.” -KARYL J. T., New York


“Thank you for today, it was amazing…such an amazing group of people. Haven’t seen this much good energy in one room for many years!” -MARIA L., New York


“We had such profound conversations with our kids until very late, they were sooooo open about all sorts of deepness! Wow! They thanked me so much for bringing them to soundbath/meditation and said they can’t even imagine if they would miss such incredible thing! They found some soundbath on Spotify and played it all night! Thank you all so much!” - JENYA A., New York


“The way you lead and hold space in our meditations I feel safe and courageous to go deeper into my practice. I am grateful for you.” - SIMON A., New York


“I'm so grateful that we were able to be with you and Ian last night. Powerful work! I was happy to be in your presence. Moreover, I felt that my daughter really responded to your energy and trusted the experience. She told me of some profound body responses and feelings/thoughts she was experiencing. I thank you and appreciate your connection to source and your gift to create space.” - UNI L., New York


“I experienced my first meditation on Sunday. I was a little scared of meditating, but you made it so comfortable, so beautiful, so peaceful, so inviting that I honestly cannot wait for the next one. It was such a deep, healing, beautiful experience that here I am, three days later, and still thinking about it. Thank you for giving us such a beautiful space to experience healing.” - CLAUDIA G., New York


“This was my first sound bath and I really did not know what to expect, but I was very open to the experience! The space was open and inviting, even though this particular night was bitter cold! There was enough room to be comfortable -- not too much or too little space between the small group of people gathered in the room. I was immediately put at ease by the sound of your voice, so much so, that soon after the meditation began, I found myself transcending to a time when I was most happy! I was taken back to my childhood home and there I saw my father. He held me, and smiled at me and I felt incredibly safe and happy to be there with him. I walked through all the familiar rooms, examining the details of everything I never took much notice of while growing up there. The color of the walls, the light coming through the windows, the furniture, the kitchen sink, my tiny bedroom with the closet door that never quite closed all the way, the gray curtains, the light switch with fingerprints on it, the worn, wooden floors. Everything was visually intense. I could even smell the familiar smells of my house and realized that I never knew my house had a particular smell. It is very hard to describe the flood of emotions I felt during this trip back in time -- a mix of joy, surprise, and also a little sorrow, because I knew I was not going to stay there and that I would not see my father again. I've never had an experience like that in my life. It was something like dreaming while being fully awake. I have to thank you for an incredible experience. i didn't know that was what I was coming for, but it was exactly what I needed.” - VICTORIA K., New York


“The energy in the room was so deeply deeply healing. It opened another window into that soft love energy that swirls around us. I truly felt a presence watching over me and taking care of me...it was the most peaceful experience I think I’ve ever had.  Miko is truly a source of connection and love. Her spiritual integrity and true embodiment of consciousness infuses the meditation with a deeper level of awareness and peace that we are all seeking.” - JIM K., New York